
Scouts - 10½ to 14 years

Jump in and get muddy. Give back and get set. Scouts ignore the butterflies and go for it, and soon so will you.

Where are we?

The Scouts meet at:

Scout Hall
Cumberland Road
Argyll and Bute
G84 8SA
Meeting Times
Thursdays - 18:30 to 20:00

Due to our active programme, we often meet outside of these times as well.

News & Blogs

So that’s a wrap from a brilliant scouting weekend. It was fantastic to see 47 members of 1st Rhu having an amazing time. The greatest pleasure we have as leaders is seeing young people stretch outside their comfort zone and try a new challenge! 


Thank you to the team at Scout Adventures Lochgoilhead for putting on another great adventure, filled with lots of new skills and activities to try, you never cease to amaze us. Also to the chefs who kept everyone superbly well fed during the weekend. 


A big thank you to the team of Rhu leaders! We had great fun spending time with everyone, having a laugh and working hard. Without the efforts of these leaders we wouldn’t be able to pull off such amazing camps! Please remember the leaders have as much fun as the Young People and took part in all the activities. If you want to join us we have many roles and can find one to suit you. 


Here’s looking forward to the future and lots more Scouting Adventures.

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3 of our Young People are heading overseas next year on Scouting adventures, Caitlin and Aiden are heading to the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea and William is heading to a community project in Nepal.  


They will be taking part in the Kiltwalk next weekend, hiking 22 miles from Glasgow to Balloch to raise funds for their trips.  


All sponsorship they raise from the Kiltwalk will be supported by the Hunter Foundation with a 50% top up, so this is a great way to help them raise some funds towards the trip.


You can sponsor them each individually using the links below or as a group (which will be divided between the 3 of them equally - any left over funds will be used to start a 1st Rhu Scouts Support fund to allow Scouts in future years to attend a variety of overseas and more local events that they may otherwise not be able to afford.


Thank you for your generosity and support.  If you can't donate, please share this post so that others may see it and be able to support.


Group -


Caitlin -


Aiden -


William -

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Well done to our older Scouts who have walked from Balmaha to Milngavie for their expedition challenge badge - well done to all of them for what was a great test of all of the things they have learn't in Scouts over the last few years.


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1st Rhu Scouts spent the weekend taking part in the first Scout Jamboree to occur since COVID restrictions were eased.  Rhu Scouts took part in the Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI), camping at their Scout Hut in Rhu whilst using the internet to meet Scouts from across the world and take part in activities with a variety of international friends.  Scouts made contact with over 60 different Scout Groups from across 46 different countries from New Zealand to Canada, South Africa to Sweden.  We visited Lisbon Zoo in Portugal, joined in with Scouts in Brazil to make beeswax wraps and conducted bubble making experiments with Scouts in Indonesia. 


Scouts are now back and meeting again, and plans are underway for future international events to Nepal and a World Jamboree in South Korea in 2023.  Further information about Rhu Scouts can be found at our website .


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1st Rhu Scout Troop

Scout Hall, Cumberland Road, Rhu, Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute, G84 8SA

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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