
You don't need to be Bear Grylls to volunteer......

Our group would not be able to run without a strong team of amazing leaders who give up their time to provide new opportunities to our members. Scouts are needed now more than ever. You don’t need to have any scouting experience to join our team all we need is volunteers who are willing to gain new skills and build upon skills they already have. The pandemic has hit our young people hard and it’s more important than ever We help our young people gain skills for life.

Three great reasons to volunteer:

  • You'll share your skills and experience with young people while developing yourself
  • Having fun and meet new people in our community
  • You'll inspire and shape a generation

What to expect:

  • A warm welcome
  • Flexibility to get involved in a way that works for you
  • Easy access to training and resources online
  • Plenty of support and a great team

Your Contact Details

* First Name:
* Surname:
Known As:
Date of Birth:
* Email Address:
* Telephone No:


Please tick the role that you are interested to volunteer with



Experience & Hobbies

Please tell us about any experience, qualifications, skills, hobbies or interests that you could bring to Scouting.
NB. No previous experience is required.

* Were you in Scouts or Guides?:

Experience, Qualifications or Skills:
Hobbies & Interests:
* How did your hear about us?:

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Rhu Scout Group

Scout Hall, Cumberland Road, Rhu, Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute, G84 8SA

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
Website Powered by www.ScoutsOnline.co.uk © 2014